
1. XI
1) be referred to in smth. the subject has been referred to in the preface об этой теме упоминается в предисловии; as referred to in our letter of May 10th о чем /о ком/ упоминалось в нашем письме от десятого мая; be refer red to as a locomotive is always referred to as "she" [в английском языке] слово "паровоз" всегда соотносится с местоимением женского рода
2) be referred to smth., smb. I have been referred ot you меня послали /направили/ к вам; for further details the reader is referred to Appendix I более подробные данные /сведения/ читатель может найти в Приложении 1; the matter was referred back to the Committee дело снова вернули на рассмотрение в комитет
2. XVI
1) refer to smb., smth. refer to a wellknown writer (to authority, to the subject, to a remark, to the passage quoted, to one's past experiences, to the facts, of human nature, etc.) упоминать об известном писателе и т.д., ссылаться на известного писателя и т.д.; in our argument he referred to ancient philosophers в нашем споре он ссылался на древних философов: he never refers to it он об этом никогда не упоминает; don't refer to the matter again не упоминайте больше об этом деле; refer to smb., smth. refer to smb., smth. sarcastically (ironically, jestingly, affectionately, etc.) упоминать кого-л., что-л. или говорить о ком-л., о чем-л. с сарказмом /саркастически/ и т.д.; she got angry when he referred to her friend so ironically она рассердилась, когда он упомянул о ее друге таким ироническим тоном; refer to smb., smth. as smth. refer to John as "captain" говорить о Джоне, как о "капитане", называть Джона "капитаном"; refer to a document as proof ссылаться на документ, как на доказательство
2) refer to smth., smb. refer to a book (to a passage, to the original, to the minutes, to one's notes, to one's memory, to the teacher, etc.) обращаться к книге и т.д. (за справкой, подтверждением чего-л. и т.п.), refer to smb., smth. for smth. refer to a former employer for a character til the Board for assistance, to an authority for information, etc.) обращаться к бывшему нанимателю за характеристикой /рекомендацией/ и т.д.; refer to one's watch for correct time посмотреть на часы, чтобы узнать точное время
3) refer to smb., smth. refer to students (to children, to business, etc.) относиться к студентам /касаться студентов/ и т.д.; I am not referring to you я не имею в виду вас; who are you referring to? к кому относится это замечание?; I have examined all the documents referring to the matter я просмотрел все документы, относящиеся к этому делу, this refers to you all это относится ко всем вам, this law only refers to aliens этот закон касается только иностранцев; the rule refers only to special cases это правило относится только к особым случаям
3. XXI1
1) refer smb., smth. to smb., smth. refer smb. to the secretary (to a clever lawyer, to a good dentist, 'to the boss for further instructions, to the inquiry office, to the best authorities, etc.) направлять /посылать/ кого-л. к секретарю и т.д.; I can refer you to a good book on this subject я могу вам порекомендовать хорошую книгу по этому вопросу; refer the matter to the committee (a case to the court of arbitration, a request to him, the decision to smb.'s judgement, a question to smb.'s decision, etc.) передавать /направлять/ дело на рассмотрение комитета и т.д.; let us refer the dispute to Socrates давайте обратимся за разрешением нашего спора к Сократу
2) refer smth. to smth. refer one's actions to ignorance (ill temper to indigestion, one's wealth to one's own hard work, one's victories to Providence, etc.) объяснять свои действия неведением и т.д.; in his book he refers the origins of sculpture to Egypt в своей книге он связывает происхождение ваяния с Египтом; they refer bacteria to the vegetable kingdom они относят бактерии к растительному миру; refer the manuscript to the
4. VI
th century датировать рукопись шестым веком, относить рукопись к шестому веку

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "refer" в других словарях:

  • refer — re‧fer [rɪˈfɜː ǁ ɜːr] verb referred PTandPPX referring PRESPARTX refer to phrasal verb [transitive] 1. refer to something to mention something: • I refer to your letter of 22 March …   Financial and business terms

  • refer — ► VERB (referred, referring) 1) (refer to) mention or allude to. 2) (refer to) direct the attention of (someone) to. 3) (refer to) (of a word or phrase) describe or denote. 4) ( …   English terms dictionary

  • refer — 1 assign, credit, accredit, *ascribe, attribute, impute, charge Analogous words: associate, relate, connect (see JOIN): *direct, aim, point, lay 2 *resort, apply, go, turn Analogous words: consult, *c …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Refer — Re*fer , v. i. 1. To have recourse; to apply; to appeal; to betake one s self; as, to refer to a dictionary. [1913 Webster] In suits . . . it is to refer to some friend of trust. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. To have relation or reference; to relate;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Refer — Re*fer (r[ e]*f[ e]r ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Referred} (r[ e]*f[ e]rd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Referring}.] [F. r[ e]f[ e]rer, L. referre; pref. re re + ferre to bear. See {Bear} to carry.] 1. To carry or send back. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • refer to — (of a word or phrase) describe or denote. → refer refer to consult (a source of information). → refer refer to mention or allude to. → refer …   English new terms dictionary

  • refer — [v1] mention accredit, adduce, advert, allude, ascribe, assign, associate, attribute, bring up, charge, cite, credit, designate, direct attention, excerpt, exemplify, extract, give as example, glance, hint, impute, indicate, insert, instance,… …   New thesaurus

  • refer — [ri fʉr′] vt. referred, referring [ME referren < MFr referer < L referre < re , back + ferre, to BEAR1] 1. to assign or attribute (to) as cause or origin 2. to assign, or regard or name as belonging (to a kind, class, date, etc.) 3. to… …   English World dictionary

  • Refer — can mean:*To refer a patient is to transfer their care from one clinician to another *Refer (software), the troff preprocessor for citationsOther*Reference *Reefer …   Wikipedia

  • refer — re·fer /ri fər/ vt re·ferred, re·fer·ring: to send or direct for treatment, aid, service, information, or decision referred the debtor to an attorney with expertise in bankruptcy; specif: commit (1c) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • refer — late 14c., to trace back, attribute, assign, from O.Fr. referer (14c.), from L. referre to relate, refer, lit. to carry back, from re back (see RE (Cf. re )) + ferre carry (see INFER (Cf. infer)). Meaning to commit to some authority for a deci …   Etymology dictionary

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